Access, Archiving and Author Fee Policies

At JOURNALGURUS we publish peer-reviewed scholarly journals indexed with most international A&I databases. Our open access policy increases the visibility and accessibility of the published content. Most of these journals provide immediate free access to the full text of articles in HTML format. Authors can also archive the journals themselves. The majority of the journals do not charge for article submission, processing or publication.

Researchers can access our journals and their contents by either clicking “JOURNALS” on our Homepage, or by clicking the individual journal icons on the Journalgurus website. This function will grant you access to the individual journal’s content (and possible download, depending on whether or not the journal charges fees for its contents), bothcurrent and older issues-under CURRENT ISSUE and ARCHIVE, respectively.All abstracts that have been provided are free to be read by everyone using the site. If you click on the underlined article titles in the journal issues, it will open the abstract for that article. The full text is in PDF, HTML and XML formats.

PDF access policy.

The HTML versions of all articles, except those digitized retrospectively, are available free of charge, and with no registration required. Some of our journals also offer free PDF access throughout the developing world.